High performance Form component with data scope management. Including data collection, verification, and styles.
import { Form } from '@lobehub/ui';
High performance Form component with data scope management. Including data collection, verification, and styles.
import { Form } from '@lobehub/ui';
Property | Description | Type | Default |
colon | Configure the default value of colon for Form.Item. Indicates whether the colon after the label is displayed (only effective when prop layout is horizontal) | boolean | true |
disabled | Set form component disable, only available for antd components | boolean | false |
component | Set the Form rendering element. Do not create a DOM node for false | ComponentType | false | form |
fields | Control of form fields through state management (such as redux). Not recommended for non-strong demand. View example | FieldData[] | - |
form | Form control instance created by Form.useForm() . Automatically created when not provided | FormInstance | - |
feedbackIcons | Can be passed custom icons while Form.Item element has hasFeedback | FeedbackIcons | - |
initialValues | Set value by Form initialization or reset | object | - |
labelAlign | The text align of label of all items | left | right | right |
labelWrap | whether label can be wrap | boolean | false |
labelCol | Label layout, like <Col> component. Set span offset value like {span: 3, offset: 12} or sm: {span: 3, offset: 12} | object | - |
layout | Form layout | horizontal | vertical | inline | horizontal |
name | Form name. Will be the prefix of Field id | string | - |
preserve | Keep field value even when field removed. You can get the preserve field value by getFieldsValue(true) | boolean | true |
requiredMark | Required mark style. Can use required mark or optional mark. You can not config to single Form.Item since this is a Form level config | boolean | optional | ((label: ReactNode, info: { required: boolean }) => ReactNode) | true |
scrollToFirstError | Auto scroll to first failed field when submit | boolean | Options | { focus: boolean } | false |
size | Set field component size (antd components only) | small | middle | large | - |
validateMessages | Validation prompt template, description see below | ValidateMessages | - |
validateTrigger | Config field validate trigger | string | string[] | onChange |
variant | Variant of components inside form | outlined | borderless | filled | outlined |
wrapperCol | The layout for input controls, same as labelCol | object | - |
onFieldsChange | Trigger when field updated | function(changedFields, allFields) | - |
onFinish | Trigger after submitting the form and verifying data successfully | function(values) | - |
onFinishFailed | Trigger after submitting the form and verifying data failed | function({ values, errorFields, outOfDate }) | - |
onValuesChange | Trigger when value updated | function(changedValues, allValues) | - |
clearOnDestroy | Clear form values when the form is uninstalled | boolean | false |
gap | The gap between Form.Item label and content | number | - |
itemMinWidth | The min width of Form.Item | number | - |
variant | Variant of components inside form | default | block | ghost | pure | default |
itemsType | The type of items in the form. default is the default type, flat is the flat type. | group | flat | group |
footer | The footer of the form | ReactNode | - |
collapsible | Whether the form is collapsible | boolean | true |
activeKey | Key of the active panel | (string|number)[] | - |
defaultActiveKey | Key of the initial active panel | (string|number)[] | - |
onCollapse | Callback function executed when active panel is changed | (activeKeys:(string|number)[]) => void | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default |
key | Key of the group | string|number | - |
title | Title of the group | ReactNode | - |
children | Items in the group | ReactNode | - |
icon | Icon of the group | LucideIcon | - |
defaultActive | Whether the group is default active | boolean | true |
extra | Extra content of the group | ReactNode | - |
collapsible | Whether the group is collapsible | boolean | true |
Property | Description | Type | Default |
avatar | Avatar of the item | ReactNode | - |
desc | Description of the item | ReactNode | - |
divider | Whether to show divider | boolean | true |
hidden | Whether to hide the item | boolean | false |
minWidth | The min width of the item | number | itemMinWidth |
tag | Tag of the item | ReactNode | - |
colon | Used with label , whether to display : after label text. | boolean | true |
dependencies | Set the dependency field. See below | NamePath[] | - |
extra | The extra prompt message. It is similar to help. Usage example: to display error message and prompt message at the same time | ReactNode | - |
getValueFromEvent | Specify how to get value from event or other onChange arguments | (..args: any[]) => any | - |
getValueProps | Additional props with sub component (It's not recommended to generate dynamic function prop by getValueProps . Please pass it to child component directly) | (value: any) => Record<string, any> | - |
hasFeedback | Used with validateStatus , this option specifies the validation status icon. Recommended to be used only with Input . Also, It can get feedback icons via icons prop. | boolean | { icons: FeedbackIcons } | false |
help | The prompt message. If not provided, the prompt message will be generated by the validation rule. | ReactNode | - |
hidden | Whether to hide Form.Item (still collect and validate value) | boolean | false |
htmlFor | Set sub label htmlFor | string | - |
initialValue | Config sub default value. Form initialValues get higher priority when conflict | string | - |
label | Label text. When there is no need for a label but it needs to be aligned with a colon, it can be set to null | ReactNode | - |
labelAlign | The text align of label, | left | right | right |
labelCol | The layout of label. You can set span offset to something like {span: 3, offset: 12} or sm: {span: 3, offset: 12} same as with <Col> . You can set labelCol on Form which will not affect nest Item. If both exists, use Item first | object | - |
messageVariables | The default validate field info, description see below | Record<string, string> | - |
name | Field name, support array | NamePath | - |
normalize | Normalize value from component value before passing to Form instance. Do not support async | (value, prevValue, prevValues) => any | - |
noStyle | No style for true , used as a pure field control. Will inherit parent Form.Item validateStatus if self validateStatus not configured | boolean | false |
preserve | Keep field value even when field removed | boolean | true |
required | Display required style. It will be generated by the validation rule | boolean | false |
rules | Rules for field validation. Click here to see an example | Rule[] | - |
shouldUpdate | Custom field update logic. See below | boolean | (prevValue, curValue) => boolean | false |
tooltip | Config tooltip info | ReactNode | TooltipProps & { icon: ReactNode } | - |
trigger | When to collect the value of children node. Click here to see an example | string | onChange |
validateDebounce | Delay milliseconds to start validation | number | - |
validateFirst | Whether stop validate on first rule of error for this field. Will parallel validate when parallel configured | boolean | parallel | false |
validateStatus | The validation status. If not provided, it will be generated by validation rule. options: success warning error validating | string | - |
validateTrigger | When to validate the value of children node | string | string[] | onChange |
valuePropName | Props of children node, for example, the prop of Switch or Checkbox is checked . This prop is an encapsulation of getValueProps , which will be invalid after customizing getValueProps | string | value |
wrapperCol | The layout for input controls, same as labelCol . You can set wrapperCol on Form which will not affect nest Item. If both exists, use Item first | object | - |
layout | Form item layout | horizontal | vertical | - |