ThemeProvider is a component that provides a theme to all the child components.
import { ThemeProvider } from '@lobehub/ui';
ThemeProvider is a component that provides a theme to all the child components.
import { ThemeProvider } from '@lobehub/ui';
Name | Description | Type | Default |
className | -- | string | -- |
customFonts | Webfont loader css strings | string[] | -- |
customStylish | -- | (theme:import("/node_modules/antd-style/lib/types/function").CustomStylishParams)=>{} | -- |
customTheme | -- | {neutralColor?:any;primaryColor?:any} | -- |
customToken | Custom extra token | (theme:import("/node_modules/antd-style/lib/types/function").CustomTokenParams)=>{} | -- |
enableCustomFonts | -- | boolean | -- |
enableGlobalStyle | -- | boolean | -- |
style | -- | {} | -- |
children | -- | ReactNode | -- |
styled | -- | {ThemeContext:(props:P)=>|ReactElement;ThemeProvider?:(props:P)=>|ReactElement} | -- |
prefixCls | -- | string | -- |
theme | 直接传入 antd 主题,或者传入一个函数,根据当前的主题模式返回对应的主题 | ThemeConfig|GetAntdTheme | -- |
getStaticInstance | 从 ThemeProvider 中获取静态方法的实例对象 | (instances:import("/node_modules/antd-style/lib/factories/createThemeProvider/type").StaticInstance)=>void | -- |
staticInstanceConfig | 静态方法的入参 | {message?:object;notification?:object} | -- |
appearance | 应用的展示外观主题,默认提供亮色和暗色两种,用户可以自行扩展 | string | "light" |
defaultAppearance | -- | string | -- |
onAppearanceChange | -- | (appearance:string)=>void | -- |
themeMode | 主题的展示模式,有三种配置:跟随系统、亮色、暗色 默认不开启自动模式,需要手动进行配置 | "light"|"dark"|"auto" | "light" |
defaultThemeMode | -- | "light"|"dark"|"auto" | -- |
onThemeModeChange | -- | (mode:import("/node_modules/antd-style/lib/types/appearance").ThemeMode)=>void | -- |
Default Fonts
Custom Fonts